DYF Guide Right Students Visit the Campus of Western Illinois University

The DYF mentoring program called “Guide Right” just completed a successful 2018 Spring College Tour. Sixty (60) students desiring to learn about higher education were taken to Western Illinois University on April 25, 2018 via the AMTRAK train from Naperville, IL. The student were picked up at the five (5) high schools in which the DYF has their guide right program and taken to the Naperville train station by chartered bus for the spirited ride to the WIU campus. All the students wore their Guide Right polo shirt for campus recognition.
The Director of the College Honors Program hosted the guide right students while on campus. After the students consumed a hardy lunch, the Director of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (being one of the top 5 schools in the nation) addressed them and captivated the students with talks on the various career options available with such degrees. WIU’s Admissions Department then presented enrollment materials and gave very encouraging words about scholarship opportunities, including scholarships available for the Honors Program. There was a panel discussion moderated by four (4) WIU students to answer the students’ questions. An unexpected benefit occurred when two of the four student panelist were graduates of two of the Guide Right schools in which the DYF mentors. Having those college students on the panel made for some interesting and frank discussions with the high school students, ranging from curriculum to campus social life.
The time on campus ended with a campus tour, in which the students were able to see facilities for classes, study and recreation. They were then treated with box lunches for the train ride back. Several seniors and juniors (and the one freshman that went was invited) left campus with their decision to work hard and persue higher learning made up. Some, included Western University in their list of top 5 universities they would like to attend. One senior had received notification of a full scholarship award, prior to the trip.